
Save and tag your online resources for easy access anytime, anywhere


Annotate web pages and PDFs directly as you browse online


Organize your links, references and personal input to create a structured research base through Outliner


Share your research with friends, classmates, colleagues or associates

Diigo at a glance
  • Bookmarks
    Still the easiest way to collect the sites you want to get back to later.
  • Tags
    Tag your collected web pages with relevant terms for easy future retrieval
  • Personal Library
    Your complete online knowledge collection, all in one place.
  • Highlights
    Highlight text directly on any web page for personal reference or collaboration.
  • Sticky Notes
    Add text, comments or reminders directly on any web page with sticky notes.
  • Outliner
    Structure your research by automated streamlining through Diigo or by your own personal customization.
  • Groups
    Share your research with colleagues, classmates and friends through our collaborative platform for knowledge sharing.
  • Archived Web Pages
    Store your online resources with annotations intact forever, regardless of whether the original source is still active. (Premium Feature)
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